Practice Areas

Person pushing another


Are you facing an assault charge? We defend clients charged with a wide variety of assault charges.

Credit Cards

Credit Card Fraud

If you are under investigation or facing credit card abuse charges, don’t hesitate, start your defense now.

House storm

Domestic Violence

Also known as Assault-Family Member in Texas. If you are facing this type of charge in Houston, get help now.


Drug Crimes

Have you been charged with sales or drug possession in Houston? We know the law and how to defend you.



If you’re facing a DWI charge in Harris County don’t delay. Get an experienced attorney on your side now. Book a consultation.

Dollar bills


As a white-collar crimes lawyer, we have successfully represented defendants accused of embezzlement.

Gavel and paper


Having a criminal record, even if it is only the record of an arrest, can have a major impact on your life for years to come. Get help.

Magnifying glass


If you have been charged with fraud, the potential penalty may depend upon several factors. Let us evaluate your case now.


Gun Crimes

Have you been charged with a crime involving a handgun or other firearm? Get an honest evaluation of your case now.


Mental Health Defense

Is there a valid mental health defense in your criminal case? We will give you an honest evaluation right now.



We can help increase your chances of either reducing your penalties or achieving a “dismissal or acquittal.”

Money on the mind

Money Laundering

Money laundering is a serious criminal offense in Texas. We have successfully represented defendants in Houston.



A murder charge is serious and carries significant penalties and developing an effective defense strategy is critical.

Stop sign

Sex Crimes

We understand that just the hint of a sex crime charge can radically alter your life. Don’t wait, get help now.

Running people


If you have been accused of theft, you’ll want to know the specifics of the case against you, we can help.

Money and gears

White Collar Crimes

These types of offenses are no longer treated with a slap on the wrist, and significant penalties may apply. We can help.


Why Choose the Law Office of Nathaniel Pitoniak?

There are plenty of attorneys to choose from in Houston. But when you have a criminal charge hanging over your head, you want to know that you’re being represented by the best. Our philosophy is that honest dealings with our clients, an aggressive approach to criminal defense, and years of experience as both a criminal defense attorney and a prosecutor, place Nathaniel Pitoniak in a position where he can achieve a result in your case that represents the best possible outcome under all the circumstances. And no matter what the charge against you may be, you will always be treated with the respect you deserve.


A Beacon of Hope

Nathaniel Pitoniak was a beacon of hope at a time when my options appeared limited and the likelihood of a satisfactory resolution seemed impossible. Not only was he able to defend me from a very tight spot I got myself in, but his calm and empathetic demeanor offered emotional assurance that everything was going to turn out okay. I am eternally grateful for his service and I hereby recommend Mr. Pitoniak without reservation.

Knowledge and Experience in Texas Defense Law

Nathaniel Pitoniak is a former Felony Prosecutor and Chief Prosecutor with the Harris County District Attorney’s Office which gives him a valuable perspective on the inner workings of the criminal justice system, as well as trial skills that significantly benefit his clients. Nathaniel has more than 15 years in practice, helping people from all walks of life, including working-class individuals, veterans, professionals including doctors, pharmacists, engineers, police officers, foreign royalty, and non-citizens facing immigration consequences.  Nathaniel devotes his law practice exclusively to the zealous defense of people accused of criminal charges.

Nathaniel’s philosophy on the aggressive and effective defense of those accused of a criminal charge is to “speak softly, and carry a big stick.” He does not go into court screaming at prosecutors from the outset because he witnessed first-hand the ineffectiveness of this strategy during his time as a prosecutor.  It is a far better approach to behave professionally and attempt to be agreeable initially.  However, Nathaniel focuses from the beginning of the case on preparing the case for trial.  The prospect of losing at trial can strike fear in the heart of a prosecutor and produce a favorable outcome for a person accused.  You cannot create this feeling of worry in your opponent without adequate preparation and experience trying cases.

Nathaniel Pitoniak attended the University of Texas at Austin (one of the most competitive schools in Texas), where he graduated with honors in three years. Nathaniel then received his law degree from the most competitive law school in Houston, the University of Houston Law Center.  Eager to obtain real-world experience, Nathaniel then interned with the Harris County District Attorney’s Office where he fell in love with criminal law and was hired as a prosecutor.

After leaving the District Attorney’s Office, Nathaniel worked for some large law firms, handling multi-million-dollar disputes before he returned to his true passion—defending those accused of a criminal offense. Nathaniel has been admitted to the Texas State Bar and is a member of the Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association. Attorney Nathaniel Pitoniak has been mentioned in Reader’s Digest and American Express.

Hire a Houston Criminal Lawyer to Help

If you have been arrested for a criminal offense in the Houston area, you may be anxious and nervous, wondering what comes next. Being arrested and charged criminally is a scary proposition for virtually every single person. There is the fear of the unknown since few people really understand our criminal justice system. There is worry about your job, worry about whether you will be able to pay your normal monthly bills, and anxiety about what those closest to you will think about your arrest.  The most effective action you can take to alleviate these worries is to hire a Houston criminal defense lawyer whom you trust to work hard on your case and do an effective job.

Nathaniel Pitoniak

meet nathaniel


If you only have one takeaway from reading this page, it should be that you absolutely need an experienced Houston criminal defense lawyer by your side when you are facing criminal charges. When you attempt to negotiate the criminal justice system on your own, you are placing yourself at a severe disadvantage.

You will face a system which, while founded on the presumption of innocence, in practice may seem like you are presumed guilty if you do not have a tenacious advocate on your side.  When facing criminal charges, you need an experienced Houston criminal defense lawyer who also has resources, skills, experience, and—most importantly—the tenacity necessary to fight for your rights and your future, securing the best outcome possible.


You need a criminal defense lawyer who has faced charges similar to yours many times on behalf of his clients. Whether you have been charged with a violent crime, a drug-related crime, a white-collar crime, a sex crime, or other criminal offense, you need attorney Nathaniel Pitoniak in your corner, protecting you from injustice, and ensuring your story will be heard. No criminal defense lawyer can guarantee you a dismissal, acquittal, or favorable plea bargain—such a guarantee would be unethical.

With that said, attorney Nathaniel Pitoniak works hard on behalf of each and every client to secure the best possible result.  The nature of our legal system gives prosecuting attorneys significant advantages over defendants.  When you fail to hire qualified legal representation, you could inadvertently give away important rights, or sign a plea bargain which is not in your best interests, which could haunt you for many years to come.


Criminal defense lawyer Nathaniel Pitoniak, will work hard to ensure you are dealing with a level playing field as you face your criminal charges. Nathaniel is never intimidated by the prosecution, or by the possibility of a trial. Houston criminal defense lawyer Nathaniel Pitoniak will aggressively investigate your criminal charges, seeking any flaws in the prosecutor’s case, and arranging expert testimony on your behalf when warranted. Sometimes criminal cases are handled through plea negotiations. This means the negotiation skills of your criminal defense lawyer are critical. If a favorable agreement is not reached, you need an attorney who is comfortable in the courtroom. Nathaniel Pitoniak is a highly skilled negotiator, as well as an aggressive, experienced trial lawyer who will be in your corner when you need him.


Nathaniel Pitoniak consistently offers his clients hard work and preparation, combined with his experience of how the prosecutor’s office works. Nathaniel often obtains dismissals, favorable reductions to lesser offenses, or pre-trial diversions without the necessity of a trial. Nathaniel does not make a practice of “grandstanding,” remaining mindful of the old adage that you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

That being said, Nathaniel prepares every single case from the very beginning knowing that it could end up at trial. When prosecutors realize the defense lawyer is very serious about taking a case to trial, they are much more likely to offer a favorable plea deal. Many people wonder if they have to take the plea deal offered by the prosecutor. The answer is a resounding “no.” Nathaniel will help you look at the plea deal offered dispassionately, to determine whether it really is the best choice for you, or whether a trial could give you a better outcome.

Nathaniel has extensive jury trial experience, both with felony and misdemeanor offenses. This is extremely important, as it allows him to tell your side of the story in a manner that is carefully crafted to persuade jury members. At a time when you need an advocate the most, attorney Nathaniel Pitoniak is a fierce advocate who has tried many tough cases, achieving positive results. In fact, as just one example, Nathaniel received a not guilty verdict for a client charged with a serious felony offense where the punishment range was from 25 years to life in prison.

Frequently Asked Questions

I Have Been Charged with a Crime; How Soon Should I Hire a Lawyer?

In virtually every case, the sooner you hire a criminal defense attorney...

In virtually every case, the sooner you hire a criminal defense attorney after being charged with a crime—or even when you think you are the subject of a criminal investigation—the better off you will be. When your attorney is on board right from the beginning, he is better able to build a solid defense on your behalf. Having a criminal defense lawyer in your corner early on ensures you do not inadvertently say the wrong thing to the police or other law enforcement agency. It is easier for your Houston criminal defense lawyer to properly represent you when they are on your case from beginning to end.

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I am being investigated for a crime. Should I talk to the police?

It is in your best interest to speak to a lawyer when...

It is in your best interest to speak to a lawyer when contacted by a police officer. Speak to your lawyer first before saying anything to the police. A suspected person cannot anticipate what the police officer is trying to get them to admit. Police are skilled at making you feel at ease and extracting the statement they want. They are trained to lie to achieve this goal and they do it every day.

In many cases, a criminal defense lawyer with experience dealing with pre-arrest investigations can collect evidence that may change the outcome of the investigation. I have successfully avoided charges for people after gathering the relevant evidence and bringing it to the attention of the police officer. If the police officer is doing a thorough job, they must communicate this information to the prosecutor before a charging decision is made.

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What should I do if I have been falsely accused of domestic violence?

Being accused of a criminal offense is virtually always a frightening, anxiety-inducing...

Being accused of a criminal offense is virtually always a frightening, anxiety-inducing experience. But what if you have been accused of domestic violence—and the charges are simply not based on fact or truth? Before you can even begin defending yourself against the false domestic violence charges you may find you have been convicted in the court of public opinion.

It is extremely important that you do not wait, hoping the charges will be proven untrue and dropped. This is highly unlikely. You need a strong legal advocate in your corner as quickly as possible. The Law Office of Nathaniel Pitoniak can guide you through this difficult time, working hard to clear you from these false accusations.

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What Should I Do If I Have Been Falsely Accused of Date Rape?

Date rape allegations can have devastating consequences for the accused, even if...

Date rape allegations can have devastating consequences for the accused, even if they are innocent. If you have been falsely accused of date rape, it is vital to do everything you can to protect yourself legally. A sex crime conviction can follow you for the rest of your life, and any person accused of date rape should understand all of their legal rights as they work to fight these charges. Houston criminal defense attorney Nathaniel Pitoniak is available to help sex crime defendants understand their legal rights and all of their legal options: contact him today at (832) 315-6283 for more information.

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How can Criminal Charges Impact my Immigration Status?

Criminal cases can result in the deportation of non-citizens or denial of...

Criminal cases can result in the deportation of non-citizens or denial of naturalization.  If you have been working hard to achieve U.S. resident status, you know just how complex and difficult the process can be. The last thing you would want to do is place another stumbling block in the way of your citizenship. Unfortunately, committing either a misdemeanor offense or a felony offense in the United States can result in a downgrade of your legal status or even deportation.

In 1988 Congress drafted a list of crimes and other non-criminal acts that could potentially result in an immigrant being removed from the country. At that time, some of the aggravated criminal felonies that could result in deportation included such crimes as murder, drug crimes, or trafficking of firearms. If you find yourself charged with a serious crime while you are in the midst of working on your immigration status, it is important that you speak to experienced Houston criminal defense attorney, Nathaniel Pitoniak.

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How to Hire a Houston Criminal Attorney

Unfortunately, at a time when experience and skill matter so much, many people are so stressed out after being charged with a criminal offense they simply do a Google search for “best criminal defense attorney near me,” and hire the first lawyer that comes up. Yes, having your attorney near you is important, but it is much more important to hire the right attorney for your unique situation. Nathaniel never looks at his clients as a case, rather he sees them as individuals who are facing perhaps one of the most difficult challenges of their lives. Nathaniel cares deeply for his clients, fighting hard for them every step of the way rather than allowing them to simply be shuffled through the system.

Whatever criminal charges you are facing—misdemeanor or felony—Nathaniel Pitoniak wants to help you through the charges. Nathaniel fully understands that not only are you facing criminal penalties which can alter your life forever, but you are also facing collateral consequences if convicted of the criminal offense. Nathaniel urges you to check out the lawyers you are considering, including himself. It is extremely important that you have a Harris County criminal defense lawyer you trust and feel comfortable with—an attorney who will be on your side, in your corner, from start to finish, protecting your rights and your future at every turn.

Attorney Nathaniel Pitoniak is well-respected by his clients, former clients, and his peers. Nathaniel has a rating of “Excellent” from AVVO, the attorney-ranking service. Nathaniel’s law firm has a rating of A+ from the Better Business Bureau. Through the years, Nathaniel has represented clients charged with a wide array of misdemeanors and felonies. Whatever criminal charges you are facing, Nathaniel Pitoniak has the experience necessary to mount an outstanding defense on your behalf. The firm’s areas of practice cover—but are not limited to—the following:

  • Assault — There are a number of different types and levels of assault in the state of Texas. While some of these charges are relatively straightforward, others involve what some states call “battery,” while still others are charged simply because of a certain type of threat. Whether you are facing misdemeanor assault, felony assault, sexual assault, terroristic threats, or injury to children, the elderly, or the disabled, Nathaniel Pitoniak can help you face your criminal charges of assault.
  • Domestic Violence — If you are facing charges of domestic violence, it is important to remember that there are rarely independent witnesses to the alleged abuse. Although our criminal justice system operates on the premise that you are innocent until proven guilty, in matters of domestic violence and sex crimes, those accused are generally seen as guilty until proven innocent. Nathaniel Pitoniak will work hard on your behalf to bring the actual facts of the case to light, and to investigate the credibility of those making the accusations to ensure the truth is being told.
  • White-Collar Crimes — White-collar crimes can include such things as money laundering (which usually has an underlying crime in addition to money laundering), computer crimes, insurance and bank fraud, securities fraud, embezzlement, identity theft, engaging in organized crime, counterfeiting, and much more. White-collar crimes are committed by people from virtually every walk of life, however, even though the crimes may not generally be considered as violent, the penalties for white-collar crimes are stiff in the state of Texas. It definitely pays to be represented by an experienced Houston white-collar lawyer like Nathaniel Pitoniak when you are facing such charges.
  • Drug Crimes — Texas comes down hard on those convicted of a drug crime; drugs are classified by schedules, which are known in the state as “Penalty Groups.” The penalty, as well as the potential sentence, will depend on the conduct (possession, possession with intent to deliver, etc.), as well as on the drug involved and other issues related to the drug or your criminal history.
  • Sex Crimes — Like charges of domestic violence, those accused of a sex crime are often considered guilty before they have even had a chance to tell their side of the story. Because of the stigma attached to sex crimes—and the fact that not every “victim” is telling the truth (including children), it is extremely important that you hire a highly-skilled Houston criminal defense attorney quickly, as soon as you are charged.

Contact Our Criminal Attorney in Houston, TX – Right Now!

If you have been charged with a criminal offense in Harris County, you need an experienced Houston criminal defense attorney who will provide you with honest answers to your questions, will thoroughly evaluate your unique situation and will present you with a comprehensive game plan that will allow you to achieve the best possible result. Although past results certainly do not guarantee future success, they can offer clear evidence of the worth of a criminal defense attorney to new and existing clients.  Because of his time in the District Attorney’s office, Nathaniel Pitoniak has developed a unique ability to analyze cases from the viewpoints of both defense attorney and prosecutor. Nathaniel’s legal background enables him to spot weaknesses in the cases against his clients, obtaining the following:

– Dismissal of misdemeanor charges;
– Dismissal of felony charges;
– Reduced felony or misdemeanor charges;
– Not-guilty verdicts;
– Deferred adjudication, and
– Pre-trial intervention.

Knowing where you stand when facing Harris County criminal charges is essential. If you do not have a realistic view of the case against you, it is impossible for you to make informed decisions about your future—whether to accept a plea, seek a dismissal or reduction in the charges, or take the case to trial. While there are certainly many criminal defense attorneys in Harris County, you need to know you are being represented by the best. Nathaniel Pitoniak’s philosophy is honest dealings with his clients, an aggressive, yet reasoned approach to each criminal case, and years of experience as both a criminal defense attorney and a prosecutor. Contact the Law Office of Nathaniel Pitoniak for an initial consultation and experienced, reputable, representation.