The Psychological Impact of False Accusations and How to Cope
If you’re falsely accused of sexual assault, it will have an immediate impact on you. Allegations, even when you know them to be 100% untrue, are still serious and will have a psychological effect on you.
You may be innocent, or the true story may be untold, but once a charge is filed, it can lead to:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Fear
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Accusations hold a weight on even the most innocent of people, and they can cause rifts between you and some of the closest people in your life.
The Psychological Effects of False Accusations of Sexual Assault
Between 2% and 10% of sexual assault accusations are false, but those who are accused will experience genuine psychological impacts as a result of the false allegations.
Shock is the first emotion most people experience. You may question:
- How could this person accuse me?
- What did I do wrong to this person?
In some cases, it’s an instance where the person wrongfully identifies you, so the person’s assault was real, but you did not have anything to do with it.
You may even feel remorse for the person in the case of a false accusation.
Once friends and family hear of the allegations, they become “very real.” You may tell a friend or someone close to you, and even if they’re not acting differently towards you, it’s not uncommon for you to think they are acting differently.
Fear and anxiety will settle in because you risk losing:
- Friends
- Relationships
- Support systems
Building a life takes a lot of work, and in an instant, these accusations can upend everything you worked hard to achieve.
Depression and a feeling of isolation may exist if your friends and family do not believe you or if your professional life is affected. A form of PTSD can also set in because it’s hard to trust another person when you’ve been falsely accused.
The accusations can impact:
- Future friendships and relationships
- Custody of your children
- Employment
Every person’s mental health will be affected differently by accusations, but you may find yourself avoiding places that you once loved and have trouble eating and sleeping.
Fear of you being found guilty of the accusations is not something that you need to cope with on your own.
Sexual assault allegations remain accusations until proven otherwise. In the meantime, you need to cope with the psychological effects of the accusations the right way.
How to Cope with the Psychological Effects of False Accusations
If you are falsely accused of sexual assault, the impact can be devastating. Learning how to cope with the psychological effects is key.
Seek Legal Advice
Even if you have not been officially charged with a crime, consider seeking legal advice. An experienced attorney can:
- Offer invaluable advice and guidance
- Help you understand the charges or potential charges you may face
Knowing what you’re up against and how to conduct yourself can alleviate some of the stress and help you move forward with confidence.
Get Support
Even though the accusations against you are false, you still face a difficult road ahead. You may have to fight to restore your reputation and protect your rights.
Right now, you need all of the support you can get from friends and loved ones who do not believe the accusations.
You may also want to consider seeking the help of a mental health professional who can help you develop healthy coping strategies to get through these difficult times. False accusations can lead to depression, anxiety and other mental health issues. Make sure that you’re putting your mental health first.
Maintain a Routine
Sexual assault accusations can upend your life. You may be dealing with a criminal investigation, police interrogations and other aspects of the legal process. Maintaining a routine can help bring some sense of normalcy into your life during these challenging times.
How To Hire the Right Defense Attorney
If you are falsely accused of sexual assault, one of the first and most important things to do is hire an attorney.
A defense attorney will help protect your rights, gather evidence to start building your defense and help you navigate the complex legal system.
Choosing the right attorney is key. Here are a few important factors to consider when hiring an attorney:
- Experience with sexual assault defense cases. An attorney who has handled sexual assault cases will know which defense strategies to use in your case and how to overcome common challenges.
- Clear and effective communication. Look for an attorney who will be responsive and address your concerns in a timely manner. Your attorney should keep you informed on the status of your case and explain the process in a way that’s easy to understand.
- Track record of success. Has the attorney successfully defended other clients in sexual assault cases? An attorney with a proven track record can help you achieve the best possible outcome.
If you have been falsely accused of a sex crime, call or contact the Law Office of Nathaniel Pitoniak today to schedule a consultation and get the answers you need.